Top 2% scientists in the World. Reported by Stanford University 2021 Feb. 22
Dr Peter Tse, Director of SEAM and CNDT has been ranked as one of the CityU’s Top Scientists.
The Stanford-listed scholars have demonstrated substantial influence in various disciplines through the publication of multiple highly cited papers ranked according to citation impact from 1996 to 2019.
As one of the most progressive universities in the world, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has a well-earned global reputation as an innovative centre for research and professional education. According to metrics compiled by Stanford University, over 140 CityU faculty members are listed among the top 2% of the world’s most highly cited scientists, reflecting the high academic standard of our faculty and our excellent research performance. Compared to faculty size, CityU’s percentage of the world’s top 2% most highly cited scientists is among the highest in Asia.

Source: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/ceng/news/cityu-excels-global-top-scientists-list
The Design of An Innovative guided Wave System and its Smart Sensor for Detecting Corrosion in Through-wall Gas Pipes Installed in Tall Buildings
Presentation by Dr Javad Rostami, City University of Hong Kong, at TechInnovation 2019, Singapore, on 11 November 2019

Pioneering inspection system for defects in wall-covered pipes
Source: https://www.cma.org.hk/uploads/ckfinder/files/Resources/MMB/2019/201906.pdf (page 8)
測喉管漏水漏煤氣 城大新系統隔牆檢驗 [am730] 2019-02-22 A16 NEWS 本地
Source: https://www.am730.com.hk/news/新聞/測喉管漏水漏煤氣-城大新系統隔牆檢驗-162567
城大全球首創無損檢測鋼纜系統 [Oriental Daily News] 2019-02-22 A17 港聞, 東方日報
Source: https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190222/00176_040.html
Pioneering inspection system for defects in wall-covered pipes, CityU News Center, editor Choi Yiu, Feb. 21, 2019.
‘Pioneering inspection system for defects in wall-covered pipes 全球首創隔牆驗管道破損技術’, CityU Today. issue No. 60, p. 37, May 2019.
城大全球首創隔牆驗管道破損技術防漏水漏煤氣, 星島日報, 2019 4 25 page A9.
城大全球首創隔牆驗管道破損技術防漏水漏煤氣, 頭條日報, Headline Daily,, 2019 4 15 news 24/64.
城大創無損檢測 準確估管道銹蝕深度 [Hong Kong Economic Journal] 2019-02-22 A20 獨眼香江 獨眼香江 紀曉風, 信報
城大隔牆驗管 「無創」一秒知銹 誤差值僅2% 預測喉管壽命 預防漏水漏煤氣 [Wen Wei Po] 2019-02-22 A25 新聞透視眼, 文匯報
無損檢測喉管銹蝕 城大研發 利用導波技術 [Metro Daily] 2019-02-22 P04 新聞, 都市日報
城大首創無損檢測隱藏管道 [Sing Pao] 2019-02-22 A05 港聞, 星島日報
城大導波技術「無創」測煤氣管鏽蝕 [Lion Rock Daily] 2019-02-22 P09 港聞, 香港仔
城大首創檢測技術 無損查牆內喉管銹蝕 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily] 2019-02-22 A09 香港新聞, 香港商報
香港城大研发无损检测管道系统 可查锈蚀情况 [中国新闻网] 2019-02-22
香港城市大学已成功研发出新型管道无损检测系统 [中国管材管件网] 2019-02-25
香港城大研发无损检测管道系统 可查锈蚀情况 [中国特种设备安全与节能促进会] 2019-02-28
HKIE Technical Workshop on Importance and Certification of Engineering Asset Management (EAM)
Dr Peter Tse, Director of SEAM and CNDT had given a presentation on Importance and Certification of Engineering Asset Management. Jointly organised by the MI Division and the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong.
For event report Click here

Dr Peter Tse, Director of SEAM and CNDT, the OC Chariman of the 8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM) & the 3rd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety (ICUMAS)

23 May
Dr Peter Tse was invited as a keynote speaker on PHM-2012 Prognostic and System Health Management Conference.
Dr Peter Tse, Director of SEAM and CNDT had given a keynote speech on PHM-2012 Prognostic and System Health Management Conference on Advanced and Effective Techniques for the Safety and Health Management of Lifts and Pipes in Buildings .
More Details on: http://www.icphm.org/keynotes.html#keynotes12
“Saving Lives with Innovative Sensors”, CityU Today, No. 36, May. 2011, p.18 to 21.
Source: http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/puo/newscentre/publication/CT_Magazine/issues/2011/CT36.pdf
14 Feb
“新技術檢查鋼纜路軌防裂紋”,蘋果日報, Apple Daily, 14 Feb 2011, page A25.
Source: http://public.kayman.hk/appledaily/20110214.html#14970958
“城大新型智能檢測器電磁波驗升降機鋼纜”,頭條日報, Headline Daily, 14 Feb 2011, page A30.
Source: http://news.hkheadline.com/dailynews/content_hk/2011/02/14/139037.asp
城大柔性磁線圈一秒驗鋼纜裂紋”,文匯報, Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, 14 Feb, 2011. Page A25
Source: http://paper.wenweipo.com/2011/02/14/ED1102140001.htm
“城大檢測器一秒測鋼纜裂紋”,經濟日報, Hong Kong Economic Times, 14 Feb, 2011. Page A26.
Source: http://www.hket.com/eti/article/1388bd9b-2f74-4d58-98f6-2091b532bfcd-427782
“城大創1秒驗纜,1毫米裂縫現行”,明報, Ming Pao Daily News, 14 Feb, 2011. Page A7.
Source: http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20110214/HK-gha3.htm
“避免升降機斷纜急墜事故,城大檢測術一秒知電纜好壞” 大公報, Ta Kung Pao, 14 Feb, 2011. Page A7.
Source: http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/11/02/14/JX-1345964.htm
“城大研發磁波1秒檢測纜索” 香港商報, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, 14 Feb, 2011. Page A17.
Source: http://www.hkcd.com.hk/content/2011-02/14/content_2687346.htm
“HK team designs sensor to detect steel rope faults”,South China Morning Post
“不出一秒裂紋無所遁形,學者創強效纜索檢測技術” 星島日報, Sing Tao Daily, 14 Feb, 2011. Page F2.
目視聽聲難揭城市危機,智能檢測防範未然”,信報, Hong Kong Economic Journal, 14 Feb, 2011. Page A2.
“超聲導播驗鋼纜一秒搞掂”,東方日報, Oriental Daily News, 14 Feb 2011, page A24.
Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Ltd. (TVB) News, Feb. 12, 2011,Saturday, all news reporting in the evening and night time of Feb. 12.
“A Novel Design of A Frequency Converter for Harvesting Wasted Vibration from Operating Machines”, Hong Kong Engineer, the Journal of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol. 38(12), Dec. 2010, p.33.
Article on Equipment Health Monitoring and Enhineering Asset management in Application -oriented Research at City University published by Knowledge Transfer Office
Source: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/kto/download/Application_oriented_at_cityu_brochure.pdf
15 Oct
Seminar on Harvesting Wasted Vibration from Operating Machines in HKIE
Ir. Dr. Peter Tse, who is the Director of the Smart Engineering Asset Management Laboratory (SEAM) and the Croucher Optical Nondestructive Testing (CNDT) Laboratory in the Dept. of MEEM of the City University of Hong Kong, was invited and presented a technical seminar with a topic on “A Novel Design of a Energy/Frequency Converter for Harvesting Wasted Vibration from Operating Machines”. The seminar was held in the HKIE Head Quarter on 15 Oct 2010 with over 70 people attended the seminar. The seminar was jointly organized by CAD, EVD, MID and AMC divisions.
More details on: http://mi.hkie.org.hk/en_it_events_inside_Past.aspx?EventID=21&&TypeName=Events+%2F+Activities
Diagnostic technology scholar elected Fellow of prestigious engineering body
Dr Peter Tse Wai-tat, Associate Professor in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, an expert in diagnostic technology that monitors the health of machinery, pipelines and cables for supporting heavy structures has been elevated to the rank of Fellow by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Source: http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/puo/newscentre/publication/CT_Magazine/issues/2010/issue34_Oct10.pdf , page 6
19 August 2010
Director of SEAM and CNDT was elected as the Fellow of prestigious engineering body
Dr Peter Tse, Director of SEAM and CNDT has been elevated to the rank of Fellow by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He was recognised for his significant engineering achievements and contributions to the engineering profession over the past 20 years.
ASME was founded 130 years ago as a not-for-profit organisation that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, particularly for mechanical engineers around the world, in addition to promoting the role of the engineer in society.
10 Dec
“一部小型儀器 能量轉化電力”, (A Novel Design for Harvesting Waste and Destructive Energy from Operating Machines and Converting them to Electricity), 蘋果日報, Apple Daily, Dec. 10, 2009, p. A12.
“Pump Monitoring System Developed for World’s Largest Oil Sand Company”, CityU News Center (on-line publication), Oct. 29, 2008 (in English and Chinese).
“Oil Sands Company Funds Pump Monitoring Project”, Graduate Studies & Research Newsletter, Vol. 36, March 2009, p.9.
29 OCT
“Pump Monitoring System Developed for World’s Largest Oil Sand Company”, CityU News Center (on-line publication), Oct. 29, 2008 (in English and Chinese).
“Equipment Health Monitoring and Engineering Asset Management”, Applied Research at City University, Technology Transfer Office, City University of Hong Kong, pp.48-49, Jan. 2008.
Source: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/kto/download/Application_oriented_at_cityu_brochure.pdf